Friday, June 8, 2007

Habits of Lifelong Learners

As I reviewed the list of 71/2 habits of lifelong learners the habit that is the hardest for me is most definately habit #4. "Having the confidence in myself" to step out of my comfort zone and stretch myself beyond my self imposed boundaries is very difficult. Risk taker is not a word I would use when describing myself. Last year I have made "risk taking" an objective that I was going to seriously concentrate on. As I take more risks my confidence level also increases.
The easiest habit for me is habit #1 "Beginning with the end in mind". Knowing the final destination helps me succeed in the journey to get there. Whenever I begin a new learning venture the goal or outcome I want to achieve is foremost in my thoughts. It is also what I focus on when the going gets tough. It motivates me to keep going.

1 comment:

Constance said...

You shouldn't be at all afraid to step out of your comfort zone. You're so talented, and have such great ideas.